miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

AES at Lifestyle Expo'09 in Alicante

Lifestyle opens its doors. The IFA exhibition hall at Alicante will be packed with eveything that is good about living in the sun and thousands of ideas to help make Spanish dream a reality. Alternativa Española will be at stand 171. Here you can learn more about the party.
The exhibition centre of Alicante is located at KM 731 on the N-340 motorway from ALicante to Elche. Near the airport. Friday 29th and Saturday 30th of May.

More than 400 British with AES at Mazarrón

More than 400 British residents came to Mazarrón to hear Rafael López-Diéguez, General Secretary of Alternativa Española and Juan Manuel Alesson, candidate at the next European elections talk about their agreements with the British Conservative party and the way they are going to work to help British residents in all the problems they have at, for example, Camposol. AES will work for rights for Foreign Residentes and stop the Land-Grab Laws.
Valentin Quiroga, of AES Alicante, was also present at the conference.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Summary of AES Principles Declaration

The men and women who form Alternativa Española, after a reflective and worried glance on the happening of Christian civilization, Spain and the Spanish people, consider necessary to give voice and vote to the defense of a series of important Values and Principles that today are marginalized of the Spanish public life. For this reason, those men and those women have decided to break the inner imprisonment, to give to those who think and feel like them, the opportunity to work, all together, in a political project which openly proclaims what many keep in their minds. Alternativa Española is, briefly, the political project of the men and women who consider that it is possible a modern Spain without giving up our Christian roots.
Find more on:
-Rights for Foreign Residentes
-Fight Political Corruption
-Stop the Land-Grab Laws
-For a Europe of Nations
Click here

martes, 21 de abril de 2009

Hannan and AES on different english media

Tha Camposol monthly Newspaper publishes four pages on MEP Daniel Hannan and Alternativa Española leader, Rafael López-Diéguez. Also the Canary Island edition of Round Town News and the Málaga edition of Euro Weekly News have published Hannan's letter the the Daily Telegraph.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

Endemic corruption

One of the showiest aspects of the appearance of Daniel Hannan (outstanding MEP of the British Tories) before the Spanish Media in Madrid has been his accusation of the municipal corruption in the Spanish Coast and Islands, whoever may govern there, Populars or Socialists.

Hannan’s matches with another even harder accusation the European Union has made last March. On the last 26th of March the plenary session of the European Parliament approved the “Auken Report” that calls for the Communitarian funds for Spain to be frozen until the city-planning abuses denounced in Brussels by several EU countries citizens are solved. The adopted Resolution asks to suspend and to review all the new plans that do not respect the environment and do not guarantee the property rights. It asks, in addition, to annul the city-planning developments in course that do not adjust to the Communitarian legislation.

This is the third time the European Parliament denounces the city-planning abuses in Spain during the current legislature. First it was in December of 2005 and then in June of 2007. The Socialists and Popular Spaniards have proposed two alternative resolutions to reduce the content, but both have been rejected.

Although the Report was elaborated by Danish Green MEP Margrete Auken, this does not reduce credibility to its denunciation, because it goes further on. It tells us about the Spanish Judiciary lamentable situation that prevents the aggrieved to see their rights satisfied.

It does not surprise, therefore, Daniel Hannan’s campaign lashing the merchants of a Temple that had to be mirror of transparency, honesty and austerity.

That the objectives of the Tory English Party and AES agree in this purpose is, simply, a pride and a signal that the evil of the corruption will face an answer both in Spain and Europe.

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

English newspaper publishes Hannan´s article

Round Town News, the english weekly newspaper has published MEP's Daniel Hannan article. RTN prints 40.000 copies. (Click on the paper)

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

Latest News: Register specially to be able to vote

Dear British Expatriate! If you expect Alternativa Española to defend your rights
at the European Parliament, you must urgently go to your local Ayuntamiento to
register your name.

To be able to vote, you must not only be registered in the Spanish
electoral Censo which you probably are, but you must register specially to
be able to vote for the June European Parliament Elections.

Next April 27th is the dateline for UK residents to register. Don’t wait
anymore, register yourself soon at your residence City Hall!

For more information contact 902 104 355

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

The cover of Meditarrania Magazine dedicated to MEP Hannan

The cover of this issue of April of Mediterrania Magazine is dedicated to MEP Daniel Hannan. This Magazine is published in english for the british expatriates living in the area of Murcia. A great work done by the editor in chief, Juan Manuel Alesson.
For more information contact revista.mediterrania@gmail.com

martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

The American conservatives at the European Elections

An analysis made by american journalist Alberto Araceda in LibertadDigital in relation to David Cameron, the american conservative vote and AES.

The American conservatives at the European Elections

James Holton, Conservative Press Spokesman: "I'm sure AES is one of them"

James Holton, Conservative press spokesman at the European Parliament confirms at a Spanish newspaper that Alternativa Española is one of the european political parties in talks with the tories. "I'm sure they are one of them", he affirms.


lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Step forward Alternativa Española, by MEP Daniel Hannan

Costa Brits! Get out and vote!

    Daniel Hannan is a writer and journalist, and has been Conservative MEP for South East England since 1999.
If you're reading this blog in Spain, turn off your computer, get down to your local ayuntamiento

and make sure you're registered to vote for the European election on 7 June. Or if you're already registered, phone your British friends and make sure that they, too, have completed the paperwork.

The British in Spain are perhaps the least represented community in Western Europe. There are 800,000 of them: more, in proportionate terms, than the number of people in the UK of Pakistani origin. But whereas British Pakistanis are fully engaged in the political process, few Costa Brits so much as bother to vote. In consequence, when things go wrong - as happened when the Valencian government started seizing private property in dodgy "urbanisation" scams - expats have fewer champions than their numbers merit.

Whom to vote for on 7 June? Here are some criteria to consider.

1. Which party has the strongest commitment to property rights?

2. Which party is least implicated in local abuses involving mayors and developers?

3. Which party is likeliest to guarantee the access of British residents to free local healthcare and other services?

4. Which party would allow Spain to leave the euro, thus boosting its competitiveness and (incidentally) rescuing those who live in Spain on sterling incomes?

5. Which party opposes the European Constitution Lisbon Treaty, and respects the national sovereignty of both Britain and Spain?

Hmm. Tricky. The party to which I have always felt closest, and where I have many personal friends, is the PP. But it rules itself out on at least four of my five criteria. Some of its councillors have been involved in the worst of the property abuses. Its MEPs have sought to frustrate any censure of the Valencian land-grab laws. And, of course, it is Euro-fanatical. Then again, the same could be said in spades of the PSOE. Is there anyone with clean hands?

Yes. Step forward Alternativa Española, a Euro-sceptic anti-corruption party that has broken away from the PP. Having no dodgy mayors to defend, it is keen to address the concerns that Spanish as well as expatriate residents have about land security. It was the only party to campaign for a "No" vote on the European Constitution (apart from a small anarchist bloc and a Catalan party whose sole concern was about the status of the Catalan language in EU institutions). Alternativa Española was the outfit that organised this vigil at the Irish embassy, encouraging Ireland to stand up to the Euro-bullies.

I don't agree with AES on everything: I'm a libertarian, it tends to be Catholic and traditionalist. But its MEPs would take up the issues that British residents most frequently raise with me.

Spain operates a single national list system for European elections. It takes only 300,000 votes to return an MEP. As the Americans say, go figure.

Article at The Telegraph

A warm greeting to British expatriates by Alternativa Española

Dear British expatriates!

Welcome to the AES official website and thanks for your visit.

We have no doubt they are so many views, concerns and goals we share on both the European and Spanish matters. For that reason, we trust being able to work closely with you to look for and find the best solutions in defence also of your legitimate interests, threatened by a corrupt, incompetent or negligent administration, as well as by abusive legal regimes, especially in relation to the right of property of the ground.

In this sense, in general terms, we agree with the criteria that according to some Members of the European Parliament would have to weigh in your decision to go and vote next 7th of June and in your decision of whom you vote.

Alternativa Española is a party that jealously defends the property rights; a party totally strange to any corruption net between the local administrations and the promoters, and for that reason not involved in any of these abuses; a party that defends the equality of rights between foreign legal residents and Spaniards; a party that stands against the Treaty of Lisbon and the centralist policies of the eurocrats of Brussels. In short, a party of Principles and Values!

Due to all these reasons, we sincerely believe AES is your more realistic political option in Spain. And therefore, we expect your support and vote for next June.

A warm greeting